Introducing Solids

Is your baby 4-6 months old and you are looking at all of the information regarding weaning and feeling confused?

Introducing solids can be a very anxiety provoking time for parents as they are anxious to get it ‘right’ and develop healthy eating habits in their children. Everyone you know has an opinion that they will share, regardless of whether you ask for it!

You may feel torn between traditional puree style weaning, baby led weaning or a mix of both. Just like bottle vs breastfeeding, it is a choice that can feel huge and overwhelming.

As a parent it is difficult to find unbiased information as websites can be full of misleading and contradictory information. Even advice from seemingly neutral sources may not be based on evidence, or even logic. When introducing solids was recommended at six months rather than four months, much of the advice on how to start was simply transferred over, despite the physiology of four month old and six month old babies being quite different.

Our 2 hour workshops will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to choose how best to wean your child. We will cover the history of weaning, pros and cons of purees vs baby led weaning, look at the different between choking and gagging and give you the confidence to make the best choice for your family.

Our workshops can be delivered via zoom or in person, and can be delivered on request in your home.

Please contact for more information or to book your workshop today.