Calmer Stories

Calmer Stories is a concept which uses basic massage strokes, a small number of yoga-inspired movements and breathing techniques to help children’s minds and bodies calm and relax. Sessions are designed for children aged 2-11 years. We gently weave these movements and techniques into stories, rhymes and play. Basic massage moves are carried out by parents or carers over the clothes with the children or a child can massage another child over the clothes in a safe and consensual way. Calmer Stories are great for home, foster and adoptive parents, pre-school, primary school and additional needs settings.

Calmer Stories draws upon tried and tested techniques which enable parents, carers, teachers and above all children to show ways of slowing down, calming and bonding through positive touch and mindfulness based techniques.

Packages can be delivered within your home to support children and their parents/ carers. These cover the theory behind Calmer Stories, the massage movements, mindfulness activities, mantras with massage and massage sequences to songs/ stories/ rhymes. They are tailor made to your child’s needs and interests.

Bespoke packages can be delivered to schools and nurseries to meet the needs of their children. I can guide nurseries/ schools/ childcare professionals in implementing Calmer Stories as a whole setting intervention.

Please email to discuss further.

Benefits to Children  Benefits for Parents/ Carers    
Develops a feeling of being loved, respected and secureExcellent way of connecting with your child  
Helps with bonding and attachment  Gives parents/ teachers practical tools
Shows touch is safeEnhances confidence and competence in dealing with the child  
May reduce tantrums and behavioural issues  Helps parents/ carers to have a more positive interaction with their child  
Works with children’s natural movementHelps parents/ carers understand their child’s cues  
Teaches positive loving touch and gentle movementsTeaches positive loving touch and gentle movements  
Develops body, mind, awareness and co-ordinationPromotes relaxation  
Helps to regulate and strengthen digestive and respiratory systems and stimulate circulatory and nervous systems  Promotes nurturing instinct (through stimulation of hormone oxytocin)
Improves quality of sleepImproves quality of sleep  
Aids friendshipsHelps parents become aware of their developing child  
Improves concentrationEncourages mindfulness  
May reduce aggression in classesEncourages parents/ carers to sing to       their children  
Encourages mindfulness  and relaxationEncourages parents/ carers to tell stories  
Encourages speech developmentEncourages parents to play with           their children  
Encourages communication   
Encourages listening skills   
Aids body awareness and co-ordination   
Increases confidence and self esteem   
Helps language development through songs   
Teaches consent