SEND Support: Independent SENDCO

Serendipity SEND support is an independent support service for children with additional needs and their families. In a time of a National SEND Crisis, where NHS waiting lists are enormous and Local Authority funding is being constantly reduced, it’s easy to feel lost and unsure of where to turn for support. We are here to listen, advise and find the right path forward for your child/ren.

Services offered:

  • Telephone consultations
  • 1:1 work with your child in your home ( currently offering anxiety, anger programmes and bespoke packages to meet your child’s needs). These can be one off sessions or frequent sessions, dependent on your child’s needs.
  • Helping you find clarity as to what undiagnosed Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) your child may have
  • Guidance and support completing DLA applications. Applications can be done in person or via microsoft teams/ zoom
  • EHCP request applications
  • Support and attendance at meeting with schools ( in person or online)
  • Support with sensory needs
  • Training for parents

I am a qualified primary school teacher, teaching in a diverse mainstream primary school for 15 years, 13 years of which I was the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO). I have worked with and supported children with all areas of SEND and have personal experience parenting children with additional needs. I passionately believe that children should be supported to meet their full potential and aim to help families achieve this. Parenting a child/ ren with additional needs can be overwhelming and at times, you can feel very isolated. Serendipity SEND Support are here to help you every step of the way!